Healths facts


No new covid-19 related casualty recorded yesterday - NCDC
Nigeria to booster vaccination next week to curtail Omicron variants
Greece to punish those over 60's that refuse COVID-19 vaccine
Two visitors to Nigeria become Canada's first cases of omicron variant
Hematuria: Blood in urine.
Bitter leaf: its benefits and pregnancy.
Vaccine to prevent cervical cancer
Colin Powell: Is COVID-19 vaccine really effective?
Man with breast cancer advises men against the disease
US Former Secretary of state Colin Powel dies from COVID-19 complications
Effects of sitting for so long
W.H.O approves world's first malaria vaccines
Beware of Formalin in frozen foods, NAFDAC warns
Key nutrients working in synergy to support brain development
Hypertension: Causes, Risk and Awareness