Colin Powell: Is COVID-19 vaccine really effective?



Colin Powell: Is COVID-19 vaccine really effective?

Is COVID-19 vaccine really effective against Coronavirus? That is the question that is running through the mind of many after the death of Colin Powell.

Following the death of the U.S. Former Secretary of State, many people have started having growing concern over the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine.

Although the 84 year old former general was fully vaccinated and treated of COVID-19, he died of the disease on Monday, he family claimed.

Many, especially anti-vaccine activists are now likely to seize upon Powell's death to make the claim that vaccines do not work since you can still die after being vaccinated for Covid-19, what's the point of getting the vaccine?

Does it really means the vaccine is less effective against the pandemic?

This was discussed with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health.

"We need to start with the science and what the research shows," she said when asked to explain if vaccines are still worth of taking. "The Covid-19 vaccines are extraordinarily effective in preventing illness and especially severe disease. The most recent data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that they reduce the likelihood of testing positive for Covid-19 by six-fold and the likelihood of death by 11-fold," she added.

"That means that if you are vaccinated, you are six times less likely to get Covid-19 than someone who's unvaccinated. And you are 11 times less likely to die from Covid-19 compared to an unvaccinated person. That's really excellent.

"However, the Covid-19 vaccines do not protect you 100%. No vaccine does, just likely virtually no medical treatment is 100% effective. That doesn't mean the vaccine doesn't work, or that you shouldn't take it." She said.

She also added that vaccinated people, although less likely than unvaccinated, can have severe outcome from COVID-19.

"Yes, and based on what have learned, General Powell fell into that category. We know that individuals who are older and have underlying medical conditions are more likely to suffer severe illness and to die following breakthrough infections. Those at particular risk are people who are immunocompromised. Having multiple myeloma would put General Powell into this category, and, in addition to his older age, would add to the level of risk.

"Note that this is one of the reasons booster shots are being recommended. Back in August, federal health officials recommended that people with moderate or severe immunocompromise, who had the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, receive a third dose of the vaccine. They warned that even with the additional dose, immunocompromised individuals should take additional precautions. That's because this is a category of people who are particularly susceptible to severe outcomes." Wen said.

She however, noted that vaccines works best when everyone takes them.

"Exactly" she said when asked if vaccines collection by everyone matters. "Think of the Covid-19 vaccine as a very good raincoat. It works very well to protect you in a drizzle. But if you're in a thunderstorm, and then a hurricane comes, there's a much greater chance that you'll get wet. That doesn't mean your raincoat is defective. It means that you are in bad weather, and the raincoat alone may not always protect you." She illustrated.

Talking on how the number of vaccinated people is directly related to individual chance of not contracting, the medical officer said If you are around a lot of virus, that increases your chance of getting infected. The problem isn't the vaccine -- it's that there is too much virus around you. 

That's why the key is to get as many people vaccinated as possible. That reduces the overall rate of infection and ends up protecting everyone. And, if you are in an area with a lot of virus, wearing a mask in indoor crowded spaces adds an additional level of protection.

Click here to see full interview by CNN with Doctor Wen

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