Liver is one of the most important but delicate organs in the body which transplant is difficult to carry out if damaged.
Liver has various fundamental functions in the body which ranges from detoxification to the regulation of most chemical levels in the blood and production of bile and stimulation of glycogen synthesis.
The health of the liver is directly dependent on what we consume. Alcohol, salt and smoking are the major destroyers of liver if not control.
Excess Intake Of Alcohol
Although the reason why alcoholic damages liver has not really been ascertained, oxidative stress is a major reason hypothesized.
When the liver worked too much in breaking down excess alcohol, the resulting chemical reaction can damage its cells. This damage can lead to inflammation, cirrhosis (serious liver damage) and scarring (fatty liver or fibrosis) as the liver tries to repair itself.
Excess intake of salt
Some research indicates that in addition to high blood pressure, overconsumption of salt( sodium chloride) can damage the liver.
Although the body needs salt as an electrolyte which helps our brain to communicate with our muscles and to act a coolants, it is only required in small amounts.
Most of the salt we eat comes from processed foods and foods prepared in restaurants, however, some still eat raw salt which is deemed more hazardous than cooked salt.
Apart from its harmful effects on liver, excess salt is also known to damage kidney and the heart.
Avoid Excessive Smoking
Although excess smoking is believed to damage the liver, no amount of smoking is beneficial to any organ of the body.
It has been reported that smoking increases fibrosis score and histological activity index in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients and contributes to progression of HBV-related cirrhosis.
Apart from the effect of smoking on lung, kidney and skin, it induces three major adverse effects on the liver: direct or indirect toxic effects, immunological effects and oncogenic effects. Smoking yields chemical substances with cytotoxic potential which increase necro-inflammation and fibrosis.
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