Does Fever-relieve dosage affects immune system?



Does Fever-relieve dosage affects immune system?

  There have been a debate on whether the immune system is affected by the amount of fever related dose such as Paracetamol, placebo etc when taken.

 A random control test was carried out on children aged 6-47months to assess the effect of fever lowering drugs on immune responses on children.

59 children were given paracetamol,another 59 were given placebo,and 24 children were further given Ibuprofen after receiving the vaccine.  The result, although there was a slight decrease,there was no significant difference in Seroconversion and Seroprotection after vaccination in the paracetamol/Ibuprofen recipient group and the placebo group.

This implies that fever reliever does not significantly affect the strengthening and formation of the immune system when given before vaccine administration .

Interestingly, a systematic review study reported that when fever related drug is used to prevent fever,the formation of immunity after vaccine administration is inhibited.

The same can be said of adult. Only fever relievers given before immunisation (as a fever prevention) have a negative impact on the formation of antibodies after hepatitis B vaccination. Provision of fever relievers after immunisation does not show significant difference in antibody formation.

With the results, it is deduced that paracetamol should be given when the the body temperature is really feverish accompany with fussing so that it is uncomfortable and cannot rest. In children, always take not of high fever which can cause seizures.

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