The soya beans magic



The soya beans magic

The soya bean plant is native to China,where it has been cultivated for over 13000 years.
It was an essential crop for the ancient Chinese who regarded it "a necessity for life".Soya beans were introduced into other regions of Asia centuries later and it wasn't until the early 20th century that it began to be used for more than animal feed in the west. The soya bean is now the most widely grown and utilised legume worldwide.

  Since  the 1970s there has been a marked increase in the consumption of traditional soya beans and the development of other soya foods which stimulate traditional meat and dairy products such as soya milk, soya sausages, soya cheese and soya yogurts.
   The key benefits of soya are its high protein content, vitamins, minerals and insoluble fiber.
    Like other beans, soya beans ((Glycine max) grows in pods enclosing edible seeds. They are usually green but can be yellow, brown or black.
The texture is so adorable that soya beans are processed into varieties of foods. They're also known as edamame beans when eaten fresh from pod and are consumed as an alternative to meats. They are the basis of soya milk,tofu,miso,tempeh,and soya protein.
  Given the fact that soya beans are good and has been enjoyed by millions of people, In the Nigeria the federal government in 2013 organised a workshop through the National Centre for Agricultural Mechanisation (NCAM),in its effort to curb malnutrition among children approved the use of fortified sorghum and soya beans as part of the diets for school feeding programme.
  The workshop was designed to demonstrate how to prepare preferred fortified sorghum, maize and soya beans based food into novel food to be used for school feeding.
   Soya bean is hailed as the most protective beans. It contains 40 percent proteins content amongst plant products.

  Soya protein refers to protein found in soya beans.As animal protein contains all the essential amino acids, lacking in pulse protein, soya is often to replace the animal protein in an individual's diet. It is the only vegetable food that contain all the eight essential amino acids and are processed to various soya products namely soya flour, soya milk, cottage cheese like tofu, fermented products like tempeh and miso.
 The high fiber content makes soya beans and other soya containing foods valuable in cases of constipation,high cholesterol and type-2 diabetes.
  It also contain compounds called phytosterols,a compounds that are structurally similar to cholesterol and steroid hormones.Their function is to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by blocking absorption site.The cholesterol lowering effect of phytosterols are well documented.
   Soya beans is processed in various edible variety such as:
Miso,a fermented soya beans which is use as a flavour,it is very popular in Asian cuisine.It is a good source of many minerals.
   Tempeh,it is a name common among the Indonesians and specially made by cooking and dehulling soya beans and forming a textured,solid cake .It is a very good source of protein, vitamin B and minerals.
   Tofu,also known as bean curd, it's made form soya bean by coagulating the soya protein with calcium or magnesium salts.The whey is discarded and the curds are processed.It is an excellent source of iron and calcium and a very good source of protein.
 Soya beans consumption has increased over the years due to the worldwide awareness of its benefits and its versatility in both human and animal foods.
  A research has shown that soya beans contain phytoestrogens,a chemical compounds found in plant foods.There are different types but the one in soya bean products are called "Isoflavones".
Soya isoflavones have attracted a great deal of research and some studies suggest that women with soya rich diet may have lower risks of breast cancer compared to to those with little or no soya products in their diets.
  However,to be effective,the soya consumption may have to occur early in life ,as breast tissue is formed during adolescence.It is however not known whether genetic makeup which influences the metabolism of food and the environmental factors interacts with the soya bean and produces different effects in people. In men,soya has been seen to boost fertility.
 Generally, studies in both men and women have shown that soya beans does not hinder reproduction.
 Adult who have been fed soya infant formula as infant were found to have no difference in their reproductive health when compared with adult fed with cow's milk formula.
 Soya products have no adverse effects on men and may help prevent cancer in men.A meta analysis published in fertility and sterility,based on more than 50 treatment groups showed that neither soya products not isoflavones supplement from soya affect level of testosterone in men.
Another research found a 30 percent risk reduction with nonfermented soya products such as soya milk and tofu.
    Soya products may reduce risk of fibroid,knots of muscle tissues, that form within the thin muscle layer that lies beneath the uterine lining.The women consuming the highest amount of these foods had less than half the risk of fibroid, compared with the women who skipped these foods.So again, phytoestrogens seems beneficial countering the effect of women natural estrogens, although in this case the benefit also comes from foods other than soya.
  Soya products are typically high in protein.Some manufacturers have exploited this fact, packing isolated soya protein into shakes and turning it into meats substitutes.However it may be prudent to avoid highly concentrated proteins from any source, including soya.It has long been known that cow's milk increases the amount of insulin-like growth factor in the bloodstream and this compound is linked to higher cancer risk.Some evidence suggests that highly concentrated soya protein can do the same.Simply soya products such as Tempeh,Edamame,or Miso are probably the best choice.
  However, safety of this wonder product is important as soya beans are a common allergen.Raw or sprouted soya beans contains substance called goitrogens,which can interfere with thyroid gland activity.Soya also contains oxalate.Individual with a history of oxalate containing kidney stone should avoid overconsumption.Women who have or have had oestrogen sensitive breast tumours should restrict their soya intake to no more than four serving per week.
 Although studies don't give any clear guidance on eating soya-rich foods,women with oestrogen receptor positive breast tumours should restrict their soya intake to no more than four serving per week and should avoid soya isoflavones supplements.Before changing your diet,it is advisable that you speak to your doctor or alternative professional.

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