Parents relationship can affect children mental development



Parents relationship can affect children mental development

Parents normally argue, but these disagreements usually have a direct affect on their children . 

What happens at home actually affect children's long-term mental reasoning and development.
It is not only parents and children relationship,but also how parents get on with each other  plays a big role in a child's wellbeing, with the potential to affect everything from mental health to academic consequences and future relationships.
A research conducted in UK shows through follow up work and experimental studies, that  children as young  as six months who are exposed to conflict may have increased heart rates and stress hormone responses.
Infants, children and adolescents can show signs of disrupted early brain development, sleep disturbance, anxiety, social life, depression, conduct disorder and other serious problems as a result of living with severe or chronic inter-parental conflict.
For instance, cases where parents who have decided to live apart due to divorce usually have a particularly damaging and lasting effect on many children.
 Parents argument which the children feel responsible for can result to sleep disturbances, depression and mental imbalance in the children.
Where they become withdrawn, or express low levels of warmth for each other,children's emotional, behavioural and social development is also put at risk.
Research have it that children are astute observers of their parents' behaviour,even if the parents try to argue secretly.
Infact the parents don't need to display volatile or aggressive behaviour towards one another for damage to be done.

Study also shows that bad relationships can pass from one generation to the next, and not only the children involved,thus,it is genetic.
 It is a trend that needs to be broken if we want positive and happy lives for the current generation of children, and the next generation of parents and families.

It is however assumed that genetics play a defining role in how children respond to conflict.
 Research also suggests that boys and girls may also respond differently , with girl at more risk of emotional problems, and boys at greater risk of behavioural problems.

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