



 Fibroid are tumours found within the walls of the uterus that ranges in sizes anywhere from that of a pea to that of an orange or as big as a foetus.
More than 70 percent of women will experience this before the age of 50.
These tumour may result in changes in the shape and size of the uterus and although they are not cancerous, they may have very unpleasant symptoms.
They can also be Asymptomatic, so a lot of women will get fibroid and may not even know. Only 30 percent of cases grow to a size that’s detectable during physical examination.
Types of Fibroid
There are different types,and are classified based on the location of the tumor
The tumor grows inside the muscular wall of the uterus. It is most common.
The tumor grows outside the uterus, on the serosal lining, and may make your uterus protrude on one side.
The subserosal tumor develops a stem.
Develops in the myometrium, it is the most rare among types of fibroids.
 Causes of fibroids
Fibroid is influenced by various factors which are hormone,age, pregnancy and family history among others.

Once women reach menopause, any fibroid they have will usually shrink and disappear. This is because at menopause, the amount of oestrogen and progesterone is extremely reduced and like I said earlier, these two hormones are directly associated with the tumor formation, so cross those hormones out, and the tumor will shrink.
Doctors recommend different maens of treatment which includes medication and surgery.
However,there are some foods that can reduce fibroid in women.
Green tea, milk,Garlic ,Green leafy vegetables, carrots,ginger roots and apple cider vinegar are all good for fibroid as they act as an antioxidants.
Also, avoiding refined sugar, caffeine,refined carbohydrates, High fat foods and excess alcohol is a way to avoid fibroid.
Avoiding these makes it easier for your liver to detoxify your body and keep your hormones in balance, discouraging the formation of fibroid.

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