The health benefits of wheat



The health benefits of wheat

Wheat has the natural ability to
control weight in everyone,but this ability is more active among women.The America journal of clinical nutrition has shown through research that the whole wheat rather than the refine one is suitable choice for obese  women who consume more whole wheat products for a long period tend to lose weight than those that don't.
Improves body metabolism
Saturated and trans fat increase the chances of cardiovascular diseases,while omega-3 fat reduces the the risk.
Whole grains like wheat are immensely effective for patients with metabolic disorders.Some common types of metabolic syndromes include visceral obesity,also known as "pear shaped" body,high triglycerides,low level of protective HDL cholesterol and high blood pressure.
It protects against all these conditions.Researsh has shown that food made from refined grain not only tend to increase weight but also increase hazard of Insulin.Doctor recommend eating whole wheat bread and other fiber-rich foods.Most of the fiber works to help digestive process in the body and improve overall metabolism.Eating a whole wheat product is perhaps the effective, enjoyable,quick and affordable way to reduce metabolic syndromes,stay slim and healthy throughout your life.
Prevent type-two diabetes
Wheat contains magnesium which is a mineral that acts as a co-factor for more than 300 enzymes.
These enzymes are involved in body's functional use of insulin and glucose secretion
Prevention of breast cancer
Research has also shown that fibre-rich food are extremely important in women to keep breast cancer at bay.It is also known that food from whole grain like wheat and fruit provide significant safeguard for pre menopausal women against breast cancer.
Prevent gallstones
In various survey of by the American journal of gastroenterology,it has been proven that cereals and bread made from whole wheat help women to avoid gallstones.Since whole wheat is rich in insoluble fibre,it assures quick and smooth intestinal transit to lower the secretion of bile acids.
Excessive bile acids is the major causes of gallstones which is lower by eating whole wheat.
Reduces chronic inflammation
The betaine content of wheat is what is what aid the prevention of chronic inflammation.
Betaine is usually found in whole wheat,spinach and beets.Inflammation is a key constitute of most types of rheumatic pains.
Reduces childhood asthma
The American lung association says about 20 million Americans suffer some form of asthma.Studies has stated that diet in whole grains and fish can lower the chances of asthma in children to a great extent.

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