Parquetina nigrescens is a herbal plant which belongs to the Periplocaceae family. It is a scrambling woody climber with glabrous leaves. It produces milky latex from all the parts which turn to black when dry.
While preparing for this, I stumbled on a video by a lecturer at the institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Dr Obafemi Jegede. He talked extensively on the uses of Parquetina nigrescens and his emphasis was on the fact that the plant is a great blood builder. Mr Akintunde Oluseyi Vincent from Ile-Oluji, Ondo State, also told me that the plant is for treating migraine. He said it will be squeezed and used to wash the head of the sufferer. He also said when someone is stooling blood, the leaves will be squeezed and a glass cup given to the person morning and night. He added that some people use it for malaria.
Here comes the best blood builder ever! I have almost lost count of the number of the people who testified to this plant’s blood building capabilities. Women who lost blood after having their babies and Perquetina came to their rescue are on the list. If you are very conversant with Yoruba incantations, you must have heard, “Ohun ti a wi fun ogbo ni ogbo n gbo” (meaning it is the instructions given to ogbo that it hears). Yes, Ogbo is “the leaf that hears.” Obviously, the plant has spiritual uses but as usual, it is only the phyto-nutrients and how they benefit us that I will discuss. You must also think that one will need to visit the “evil forest” before one gets this plant. It is not that scarce. I see it around often. In fact, it grows right beside my tailor’s shop!
Parquetina nigrescens is widely used in traditional medicine. The latex and leaf sap are externally applied to tumours, abscesses, sores, burns and are applied to thorns in the skin to extract them. The plant has been found to contain cardenoides, glycosides and alkaloids. It has been shown to possess haematopoietic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiulcerogenic, antioxidant, anti-sickling, antimicrobial, sympathomimetic, haematological, uterotonic and cytotoxic activities.
An aqueous leaf extract orally administered to anaemic rats showed a significant and dose-dependent increase of blood parameters. A study was carried out to determine the effect of a herbal preparation containing Parquetina nigrescens, Sorghum bicolor and Harungana madagascariensis on blood parameters in anaemic rabbits, caused by an infection with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. The anaemic rabbits not treated with the herbal preparation died before the end of the study, while for the treated anaemic rabbits the blood parameters were restored to normal levels.
It also stimulates increased uterine contraction as a result of mobilisation of extracellular calcium in a manner that is similar to the effects of oxytocin. It was tested for antimicrobial activity and gastro-intestinal protective effect. The aqueous leaf extract showed antimicrobial activity against a range of bacteria in the following order of activity: Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris, whereas the ethanol extract was effective only against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi.The aqueous extract also significantly reduced gastric acid secretion, reduced ethanol-induced gastric ulceration (p<0.05) and caused elevation in gastric mucus secretion. The antimicrobial activity against the common pathogenic microbes S. aureus, S. typhi and P. aeruginosa may account for its acclaimed potency against diarrhoea. In addition, its protective effect against oral administration of absolute ethanol reflected by the increased mucus secretion and decreased gastric acid secretion may also be responsible for its claim as having anti-ulcer property.
Pulverised root bark, rubbed on the body, is considered a potent aphrodisiac. Crushed roots with Capsicum peppers are used as an enema to treat venereal diseases. Crushed roots mixed with shea butter is rubbed on hands and legs as a snake repellent. Roots paste is applied to snakebites and a root decoction is drunk for the same purpose. It’s also applied to scarification on the joints to treat convulsions in children. The liquid of boiled roots with lemon juice is taken to treat nicotine poisoning. Plant or leaf decoction is taken as an enema to treat serious kidney problems, severe constipation and to induce abortion. The leaf decoction or infusion, sometimes with parts of other plant species, is drunk to treat measles, intestinal worms, diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes, menstrual disorders and venereal diseases. In small quantities, it is given to children to treat respiratory diseases. A leaf decoction with honey is drunk to treat fatigue, jaundice, stomach ulcers, anemia and as a tonic. The leaves are a common ingredient in medications to treat insanity. A leaf maceration is applied to the legs of children with rachitis to the head to treat headache. The roots have anti-hypertensive activity. The plant encourages good sleep. It is great for weight-loss. You can mix with scent leaves and squeeze with little water for pile and back pain.
The plant, Parquetina nigrescens, is used in folklore medicine to treat diabetes mellitus and its complications in several parts of West Africa. The effect of Parquetina nigrescens extract on fasting blood glucose in alloxan-induced diabetic rats was determined in a study titled Antidiabetic and haematinic effects of Parquetina nigrescens on alloxan induced type-1 diabetes and normocytic normochromic anaemia in Wistar rats. The results showed that the diabetic rats treated with the extract showed significant reduction of the blood glucose to levels comparable to that of the non-diabetic control and those treated with chlorpropamide (standard drug). The reduction in the blood count of the diabetic rats was also corrected by the plant extract. There was a considerable weight loss in all the rats that were given the aqueous extract of Parquetina nigrescens. This shows that the plant is truly a blood builder and that it helps in weight loss.
Another study titled, “Studies on the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of Parquetina nigrescens leaf extract,’’ by Owoyele et al was designed to investigate the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of the aqueous extract of Parquetina nigrescens leaves in rats. The result justifies the traditional uses of Parquetina nigrescens for the treatment of fever, inflammatory and painful conditions.
A study was conducted on the anti-sickling effect of the plant at the Department of Biochemistry, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine and Department of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, all of the University of Lagos. The Results show that P. nigrescens has appreciable antisickling activity, has no toxic effect when administered at low concentrations and protects the integrity of the erythrocyte membrane as evidenced in the fragiliogram by the reduction in hemolysis of the Hbss cells.
The plant is so useful traditionally in boosting and replenishing blood.
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