Pawpaw is one the few fruits crop that cannot tolerate chemical fertilizer. It grows well on the soil. It is one of the fruit you eat without the fear of harmful effect of chemical reaction of fertilizer.
No part of pawpaw is wasted as all its part is useful to man. Pawpaw is also known as papaya while its enzyme is called “papain”.
The uses of pawpaw include:
Stomach ulcer- Get some unripe pawpaw fruits and cut into pieces. Boil all including the seed and cover in a pot with water. Filter out the boiled pawpaw after two days. Take half glass thrice daily. Take while warm.
Impotence- Cut whole unripe pawpaw into pieces, boil and take half glass twice daily.
Malaria- Take half glass of infusion of yellow pawpaw leaves three time daily.
Pile- Get some quantities of pawpaw roots, boil with water. Take half glass four times daily and wash anus with it after defecations.
Ulcer- Cut some fruits of unripe pawpaw fruits. So soak in clean water for some days and take half glass thrice daily.
Cough- Chew and swallow the liquid from the root every three hours.
Jaundice- Infuse some quantities of unripe pawpaw fruits for some days. Take half glass thrice daily.
Epilepsy- Grind dried pawpaw leaves into powder and mix with palm kernel oil or sheabutter. Use as body cream regularly.
Convulsion- Grind dried pawpaw leaves into powder and mix with palm kernel oil or sheabutter. Use as body cream regularly.
Worm- Chew a handful of ripe pawpaw seeds on empty stomach in the morning to kill and expel any worm in the stomach.
Irregular menstruation- Grind dried pawpaw seeds and mix with lemon juice. Take ¼ of glass twice daily.
Tuberculosis- Chew and swallow a handful of ripe pawpaw seed and garlic twice daily and mixture of ginger and bitter kola in a bottle of honey. Take a table spoon every morning and evening.
Stomachache- Mix equal quantities of white juice of unripe pawpaw and honey. Dilute two spoonfuls in a glass of water two to three times daily.
Constipation- Squeeze a handful of pawpaw leaves in a glass of water to be taken for quick relief.
Note: None of the medication above should be taken by a pregnant woman
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