Some ailments and traditional treatment.



Some ailments and traditional treatment.

The following are the traditional means of treating various ailments for those who reside in the villages and rural areas where there is vast available plants and roots but no centres or health centres are not easily accessible.

Athihritis: This is the disease that affect the joint due to inflammation of the joints.It has symptoms like ;swelling joint, pains in the joint, fever and muscle ache.


Grind together little garlic and ginger and mix together with 1 litre of lime .Allow to ferment for 4 hours. Take half a glass of it twice a day.

Asthma: This is the short breath. It is the most troublesome of respiration diseases.It may caused by alergy as result of weather condition, food, drugs, perfumes and other irritants 


A whitish fluid from a snail mix wand a natural honey. Mix a ration of the snail fluid with five ratio of honey to make syrup.Stir well and pour into a bottle. Adult should take three spoon while children should take one spoon three times a day.

Athlete foots: Known as ringworm of the foot is common and contagious fungal infection of the that cause scaling,flaking and itching of the affected areas.


Apply pure honey on the area.

Abdominal pain after delivery: This is a contact pain a woman feel after sheb is delivered of a baby.


Put honey into small hot water and press the affected part with the mixture using a small towel.Also take three spoon of honey three times daily

Bed wetting: The is the act of urinating during sleep unconsciously 


Take like two spoon of honey before sleeping and practicing retention control during the day.

Blood tonic and blood purifier: This is a natural blood tonic from natural herb


Mix one cup of pineapple juice, one raw egg, mashed banana and one cup of pure honey.Take two to three spoon of the mixture before going to bed at night.

Also you can extract fluid from  known in “igbo” as “ugwu leave” using water and mix the extract with milk. Drink the mixture 

Boil: This is a tender  pus filled swelling in the skin surrounded by large red areas and mostly painful.


Use a piece of bread to soak a lemon juice, apply to the affected area and cover with a bandage and leave overnight.

Bone fracture: This is when the bone cracks or breaks


Eat pineapples everyday until it finally gets healed. This is possible pineapples contains Bromelain, an enzyme that reduces swelling and inflammation

Breast cancer: This is a pea-sized tumour in the breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk duct or the lobule that supply milk. Breast cancer is caused by radiation, family history and age.


Crush Aloe vera and mix with yam bulbils head yam, mix them with shea butter and rub the mixture on the breast

Cholera: Cholera is water borne disease that affect the intestines in the lower part of the bowel


Drink lot of water contain sugar and salt,that two spoon of salt and eight spoon of sugar into 2 litres of water. Also eating cucumber with coconut water.

Child convulsion: This is a condition whereby muscle contract and relax rapidly and repeatedly, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body.


Get two bulbs of white onion and five gloves of garlic, one to two fingers of ginger, blend them together and add pure honey in ratio of one to two and take two tablespoons two times daily.

Catarrh: This common nasal problem caused by cold. It usually cause difficulty in breathing of one of or the two noses.


Mix two ratio of lime juice with five ratio of honey and cover in a bottle. Then take two spoons 3 times daily

Cataract: This is the problem of eye in which the lens of the eye become whitish and opaque instead of remaining clear.


Eat plenty of carrot and three gloves of garlic daily.

Cough: It caused by irritation of the air passage


A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is advised for relief

Chicken pox: Chicken pox  is highly a contagious disease ,occurring usually in children. The older the child ,the more severe it gets.


Mix honey and palm oil or palm kernel oil and rub on the affected areas

Conjunctivitis: It’s the redness and the inflammation of the tissue that covers the front of the eyes(conjunvtiva).


Apply your urine directly daily six times daily for one week. Urine cures, clears and strengthens the eyes.


Constipation: This is the disturbance of the digestive tract. In this condition, the bowel does not move regularly or are not completely emptied when they move.


Squeeze the scent leaves using water, drink the juice early morning 

Diabetes: Diabetes is by abnormal high level glucose of blood and characterized by excess of sugar in urine.


Mistletoe leave(Afomo in Yoruba)with scent leaves and bitter leaves.Mix aall in equal part,squeeze out the water,sieve and drink a glass of it 3 times daily after food.

Dandruff: It  is a condition of the skin where some shiny silvery scales separate from scalp


Use fresh lime juice to raise the hair regularly. You can also use the combination of cucumber juice ,black soap to wash the scalp, leave for 30 minutes then wash with warm water

Diarrhea: Frequent passage of loose or watery unformed stools. It may be acute or chronic 


A glass of fresh tomato juice ,mixed with pinch of salt and pepper ,taken in the morning.

Epilepsy: This is condition in which fit or unconsciousness occur, with or without convulsion. It is known as ‘filly sickness’; it is a serious disorder of the nervous system.


Juice grape, carrot and cucumber and mix together. Take half a litre daily. You can also soak passion flower into water and add little honey to it. To be taken twice a day or monthly 

Eczema: It is a skin disease that make the skin became inflamed or irritating. Majorly it causes skin discoloration.


Mix a little lime with sulphur, add some pure honey ,wash the affected side the mixture.

Food poison: This is where one eat contaminated and dangerous substance that is capable of harming the consumer.


Immediately poisoning takes place, squeeze out bitter leave water and mix with little palm oil then drink at once

Fibroid: It is otherwise known as false pregnancy or tumor of the uterus.


Boil with water the leaves, roots and inner bark of a neem tree(Dogoyaro in Yoruba) together and it one glass cup thrice daily. Also chew regularly unripe palm kernel nut everyday for twelve weeks.

Fire burn: This burn on the skin cause by fire or other hot element.


Immediately apply chilled water to reduce the temperature. Burm Aloe vera leave ,mango leaves to ashes mix little water(honey preferably) and apply the mixture to the Affected area.

Gonorhoea: It is a sexually transmitted disease that grows and multiply easily in the body. The symptom includes painful urination, abdominal pain, vaginal discharge.


Mix lime, potash, ginger, melon, tobacco leaves, garlic and wonderfull kola. Then put the mixture in a half gallon of water and take small cup of it every morning.

Conjunctivitis (Apolo): Conjunctivitis is the redness and inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye(conjunctiva).IT’s a common eye problem.


Apply your urine directly 6 times daily for one week. It may go the first day don’t be surprise .Urine cure sore eyes, clears and strengthen the sight.

Heart attack: It is when the flow oxygen-rich blood to the section of the heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart cant get oxygen .If the blood flow isn’t restored quickly, such section of heart muscle begins to die


Studies have it that Garlic and onion contain lecithin which can attack rid of accumulation of fat(cholesterol) which heart attack. By this it is advisable to grind some onions, garlic and mix with honey .to be taken thrice a day.

Indigestion: It is inability of the stomach to digest food .It is a common ailment resulting from dietetic errors. Abdominal pain, a feeling of undue fullness after eating, heartburn, loss of appentite, nausea or vomiting and flatulence or gas are the usual symptoms of indigestion.


The juice of lemon diluted with water. Can be taken twice daily before each principal meal.

Also it is advisable for every 3 to 4 hours to drink water. Take one glass of honey and lemon juice ,both mixed in equal quantity avoid large mean.

Hypertension: Also known as high blood sugar is commonly regarded as silent killer. The highest pressure reached during each heart beat is called systolic pressure and lowest between two beats is called diastolic pressure most young adults have blood pressure around 120/80. It increase normally with age ,even going up to 160/90


1)Taking of grapefruit is useful in preventing high blood pressure. The vitamin P content in the fruit is helpful in toning up the arteries, therefore, this fruit must be consume liberally by the patient of hypertension/high blood pressure or

2)Get some unripe pawpaw fruit, peel one and divide into 3 parts. One part is to be taken before meal, one in the afternoon and one to be taken in the evening. Do this three times a week.

Hard labour during birth: This is when a woman is finding it hard to give birth to her baby during birth.


Squeeze pawpaw leaves with water and take it when it time to deliver. This acts as a natural lubricant.

Preventing pregnancy: This when a woman want to prevent pregnancy after having sexual intercourse.


Boil eight pieces of lime and six bag of lipton tea and drink one cup once each before and after having sex.

Sexual impotence (poor erection): Sex is a basic enjoyment of a relationship and it’s a basic instinct like hunger. Sexual ability, however demands complete concentration and relaxation. It can not be performed in haste, tension or under duress. Person who are usually tense, over occupied are unable to flow these norms there are three form of impotence; primary, secondary, and advancing age. Sexual impotence may result from psychological illness such as depression which lowers both sexual drive and erectile, functional tiredness, alcohol abuse and diabetes.


This can be cured in two ways;

1)Crush unripe pawpaw and put in a gallon of clean water, allow to ferment for three days then take cup of it three times daily for two months.

2) Take fermented palm wine for one daily for one month.

3) Boil big onions, squeeze out the juice, filter it and mix it with the same quantity of pure natural honey and bottle it up. To be taken one spoon three times a day after meal

Woman infertility:  This is the inability of a woman to get pregnant. This can be caused by irregular menstruation, no menstruation, Abnormal ovulation, pain during intercourse, miscarriage and painful menstruation etc.


Remove the bark of kolanut tree and boil with water. To be taken one small cup twice daily for seven days. Make sure you don’t have infections and if you do, cure it first before this remedy.

Stroke: A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or severely reduced, depriving the brain tissue of oxygen and food. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die.


Boil garlic and mix with pure natural honey.4 to 6 spoons to be taken thrice daily.

Tuberculosis: This is severe disease that affects the lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from one person to another by tiny droplets released into the air via cough and sneeze. Thus, it is an airborne disease.


Grind coconut and garlic together and mix with pure natural honey. 2 spoon to be taken thrice daily until it is cured.

Insomnia (sleeplessness): It is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as desired.


Take the mixture of milk, honey and water before going to bed.

Stomach ulcer: It is a wound of the stomach also known as pelvic uncle which causes severe pain in the stomach. It is characterized by vomiting, weight loss, pain and loss of appetite.


Slice and pound unripe bananas and plantain three each, but do not remove the cover. Pour them into a 4 litres of water and leave to ferment in freezer. After 4th day, shake very well and take half a glass of it twice daily before eating. Take it till the symptom stops. 

Hair breakage: This refers to breaking of cutting away of the hair especially of women.


Mix same quantity of olive oil and pure honey, warm the mixture. Then rub hair with the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. You can do it twice a month.

Worm infections: Worms are parasite that enter the body, live and feed off the person they have entered. These could be roundworms, tapeworm and fluke worms.


Cook together some quantity of lime, lemon grass and neem leaves in two litres of water and one cup three times daily.

Blocked fallopian tube in women: The fallopian tube is passage way that connects the ovaries of a woman to the uterus. The fallopian tubes are important pathway for fertility. They are hair-like structures in them that help the egg released from the ovaries to get to the uterus by moving the egg to the uterus. These hairs like cells of the fallopian tubes are influenced by oestrogen and progesterone.


Boil skin of kolanut and drink half cup of it three times daily for 7 days.

Corn and calluses: This are skin condition in which affected areas become think and hard when expose to excessive pressure or friction. They commonly occur on the feet and can cause pain and discomfort when walking.


Lemon, pawpaw, and chalk powder can be used or applied into the affected place for effective remedy.

Nipple discharge in women: This is the unnecessary discharge of fluid from the nipple of breast. Although it is considered normal in some cases, it is the third major reason involving the breast for which women seek medical attention after breast lump and pain.


Chew alligator pepper( “ataare” in Yoruba ) continuously. This will dry off the water and the size will also reduce.

Candidiasis: It is also called thrush or moniliasis, is a yeast infection that may affect the skin. This includes the external surface of the skin, the vagina, the penis and the mouth. Candidiasis may also infect the blood stream or internal organ such as the liver or spleen. By far the, it is common with the skin, mouth and vaginal. It is also common with cause of diaper rash. These can be bothersome infections, but are not life threatening.


Extract the juice of scent leaves and that of bitter leaves. Mix together with grinded garlic and use all the mixture to wash the affected part. You can also drink from it.

Wound: A wound in which the skin is torn, cut, or punctured (open wound), or where blunt-force-trauma caused a contusion( closed wound). In pathology, it specifically refers to a sharp injury which damages the dermis of the skin.


Apply the fluid from the stem of plantain to the cut or wound .it will heal automatically.

Pneumonia: This is a breathing (respiratory) problem in which the lung is infected. This can be contacted through bacterial and viruses living in the nose, sinuses, or mouth may spread to the lungs.


Squeeze out water from lime and grape, add to honey and mix together with grinded garlic. Mix all of them together thoroughly and preserve, to be taken 2 spoonfuls every three hours. 

Amnesia: This is the deficiency in memory caused by brain damage, disease or psychological trauma.


Drink the mixture of thyme and honey together with water and take its 4 teaspoons twice a day until you see positive changes.

Quit smoking: Quitting smoking is one of the hardest and greatest achievements a smoker could ever achieve, no thanks to the presence of nicotine which promote the urge to smoke. Quitting it a big and important step that enhance the length and quality of their lives.


Extract the juice of sugarcane and take one cup of it daily for 2 weeks.

Heart palpitation: This is the abnormality of the heartbeat that ranges from often unnoticed skipped beat or accelerated heart rate to a very noticeable changes accompanied by dizziness or difficulty breathing.


Boil mango leave with water and take one cup of it three times daily till the symptom vanishes.

Typhoid fever: Simply known as typhoid, is a common bacterial disease transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated.


Grind equal quantity of garlic and onion and soak in clean cold water for 6 hours to ferment. Take one cup of it twice daily.

Wrinkle: A wrinkle, also known as a rhyride, is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation, (1) habitual sleeping positions,(2) loss of body mass, or temporarily, as a result of prolonged immersion in water. Age wrinkling in the skin is promoted by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration and various factors.


You can apply any of the following and rinse off after like 2 hours in the night; 

White part of local egg (2) Coconut oil and (3) Pineapple juice. 

All these work well on eliminating wrinkle.

Eye infection: These are ailment caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal agents. There are different types of fungal of eyes infections, with different causes and treatments. All parts of the eye are susceptible to infection. Eye infections can affect one or both eyes, and can occur in people of all ages. Symptoms can include irritation, redness, discharge and reduced vision. Treatment typically depends on the cause.


Carrot is very good source of vitamin A. Numerous consumption of it will do a lot in making your eye clear and healthy. Eat plenty of it daily for one month.

Toothache: Toothache refers to pain around the teeth or jaws primarily as result of dental condition. In most instances, toothache are caused by tooth problems such and dental cavity, a cracked tooth, an exposed tooth root, or gum disease.


Grind and mix small garlic and onion together with salt and place it in the affected tooth. It will relief the pain and cure the ailment.

Malaria: It’s mosquito-borne infections disease of humans and other animals caused by parasitic protozoan of the genus Plasmodium. Commonly, the disease is transmitted by a bite from an infected female Anopheles mosquito, which introduces the organism into the body of recipient’s circulatory system. In the blood, the parasites travel to the liver to live and reproduce. Malaria causes symptom like fever and headache, which in severe cases can lead to coma or death.


Cook lemon grass and drink one cup as tea twice daily. 

Ear infection: This occurs when a bacterial or viral infection affects the middle ear – part of the ear just behind the eardrum. Ear infections can be painful because of inflammation and fluid up in the middle ear.


Grind dry tobacco leave and mix with palm kernel oil. Then drop the mixture into the affected ear once daily until the symptom vanish.

 Whitlow: Whitlow is a painful and highly contagious infection on the fingers caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is also known as herpetic whitlow.


Mix small quantity of palm oil and lime juice together and place on the affected part.

Bad breath (mouth odour): Medically known as halitosis, can results from poor dental health habits and mat be a sign of other health problems. Bad breath can also be worsen by type food you eat and other unhealthy lifestyles.

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