Haemorrhage and sight loss



Haemorrhage and sight loss

Eyes is known to be one the most important sense organs,without it the whole body is presumed to be in the dark .

Despite the limitless function and happiness of the eye to the body,it has the highest chances of being impaired if not properly taken care of. Is it through what we eat that contain different harmful element,exposure to different environmental substances or the effect of other body problem on it?
One of the problems that can impair the eyes is haemorrhage.
Haemorrhage is a condition of heavy release of blood within or from a body.It is the escape of blood from ruptured blood vesse
Blood cells that change shape, or ''sickle,'' can get trapped in the blood vessels blocking the blood flow. When this blockage occurs in the small blood vessels in the inner lining(retina) of the eyes, it can cause vision problems. This offensive occurs in people who have hemoglobin SC disease. In the worst cases, the retina may come loose, leading to permanent blindness. This may happen suddenly, without any warning.
  On www.patient.info, vitreous haemorrhage is defined as a bleeding that occurs when blood leaks into vitreous humour in the eye.The blood most commonly comes from blood vessels at the back of the eye. This substance is the vitreous humour. It helps the eye to keep its shape and is normally clear, allowing light from outside the eye to pass through it to reach the retina.
       Vitreous haemorrhage varies in degree from Mild, with floater and haziness in vision, to complete loss of sight. It painless and comes on quite quickly .Usually only one eye is affected. While it is alarming,once the the bleeding has been treated,many cases resolve and vision is restored to it normal condition. In order to see  clearly, the vitreous humour needs to be clear. If the vitreous humour is clouded or filled with blood ,vision will be impaired .This varies from a "floater" and cloudiness of vision through to the vision going completely dark-sometimes with a reddish tinge.
It can be reverse with proper treatment after early discovery.
       There are many remedies  to reverse this condition ,from surgical operation to using prescribed drugs and sometime traditional  herbs.
It is advisable to eat more eggs, at least three to four times a week. Eggs are a very good and inexpensive  source of high-quality protein.More than half the protein of an Eggo's found in Vitamin B2.It also has lower amount of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The white is a rich source of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.

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