Excessive kissing can cause hepatitis?



Excessive kissing can cause hepatitis?

It is possible to contract Hepatitis B through kissing, according to Dr Modupe Ajibawo

In her interview with Okere Alexander, she claimed since hepatitis B is proved to be  through liquid droplets of infected person, there may be likely transmission through deep kissing.

According to her, Hepatitis B or C viruses are not thought to be spread through kissing or sharing utensils. However, since Hepatitis B virus is present in saliva, the risk of spreading through deep kissing cannot be eliminated, especially when the infected partner has an open cuts or sores in his or her mouth.

What is Hepatitis

Hepatitis is the inflammation or swelling of the liver. Hepatitis impairs the function of the liver.

The liver is one of most vital organs in the body performing various functions like detoxification, digestion, production of iron,insulin and among other functions.

The liver also help to filter the blood and help in breaking down of drugs, toxins, bacteria and other wastes and their removal from the body.

Until now, the  well-known and common cause of hepatitis by different viruses. Others causes big hepatitis include Epstein-Barr virus and yellow fever virus.

The condition can also be caused by certain drugs, alcohol, poisons like aflotoxins produced by certain fungi in agricultural products and other medical conditions.

There are five types of hepatitis: A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis A is the most acute with Hepatitis B and C being the most serious and chronic types of hepatitis

The symptoms ranges from mild fatigue to no symptoms in Acute types while it ranges from flu-like symptoms, light coloured stools, fever, jaundice to dark urine in chronic Hepatitis.

Hepatitis is treatable at early stage, it often requires treatment in order to prevent progressive liver damage, cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer.

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