Danger in Garri(Cassava flakes)



Danger in Garri(Cassava flakes)

Cassava flakes, popularly known as garri among the Nigerian masses.

It is a kind of staple food that is creamy-white, granular flour and common among the Nigerians due to its cheap price and availability.
Garri is made from cassava tubers,and it is enjoyed in different varieties.
It can be enjoyed with different soups when it is formed into a solid and swallowable form known as "Eba".
It can also be taken as a flake soak in water with or without milk, sugar, groundnuts,beancake or other sauce.
Garri has many advantages and usefulness to the people,from its cheap price to its availability and different enjoyable.
Enjoying it has compelled many people to take it everyday,even when they are financially buoyant.
However,it has many disadvantages which has made it not advisable to take Garri often.

Cassava is said to contain a compound known as cyanide that is poison to the eye if not properly process especially in Garri.
A cyanide is a chemical compound that contains the group C≡N. This group, known as the cyano group, consists of a carbon atom,triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom.
In inorganic cyanides, the cyanide group is present as the anion CN−. For the salts such as sodium cyanide and potassium cyanide , these compounds are highly toxic. Hydrocyanic acid, also known as hydrogen cyanide, or HCN, is a highly volatile liquid that is produced on a large scale industrially. It is obtained by acidification of cyanide salts.
Organic cyanides are usually called nitriles . In nitriles, the CN group is linked by a covalent bond to carbon. For example in acetonitrile , the cyanide group is bonded to methyl (CH 3 ). Because they do not release cyanide ions, nitriles are generally far less toxic than cyanide salts. Some nitriles in case of Garri,which occur naturally as cyanohydrins , release hydrogen cyanide.
Its damage to the eye is grave beyond what people think.
Also ,there are many health hazards that can affect its consumer in the processing of Garri.
Some of the makers process it by leaving the crushed cassava outside in the sun to dry out,instead of drying it through frying in a hot stove.
The drying of garri in the sun does not only make it half done, it also exposes it to flies and rodents faeces and urine which could cause Lassa fever, among other illnesses.
It is advisable to buy from a reliable source,and also to reduce its consumption as excess of it can be inimical to your health.

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