Health benefits of periwinkle



Health benefits of periwinkle

Periwinkle is a species of small edible whelk or sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusc that has gills and an operculum. It is scientifically known as Littorina littorea.


Periwinkle is commonly consumed in Asian and African countries especially in Nigeria where it is cherished.

It is enjoyed in Nigeria in various form, for instance, it is an important ingredient in making Afang soup, Edikaikong soup and other vegetables cuisine..

Periwinkle is beneficial to the body as it is known to be a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and very low in fat. 

Since the body cannot produce enough omega-3 fatty acids requires by itself, periwinkle could be the answer.

Although, Omega−3 fatty acids is not proven to affect the risk of death, cancer or heart disease, it is believed to improve brain health by encouraging the development of cell membranes in the nervous system. It also helps in improving your memory and reduces heart related diseases.

This small snail also contains large amount of selenium, iron, phosphorous and magnesium all of which help in fighting various diseases and  involved in hundreds of biochemical Reactions in the the body.

Just like every other animal sources of protein, periwinkle provides reliable amount of protein which is needed to build muscle, aids wound clotting and fight external diseasea.

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