It is unusual not to engage in one or more activities immediately after eat. In fact it has becomes a norm for some people to take one or two things as aid to digestion.
However, many of these acts are medically bad to the health as they can distort digestive process.
The following are what you should never do after meal:
Smoking one cigarette meal is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes. This can increase the risk of bowl and lung cancer.
Sleeping is an essential part of body activities as it is needed to give the brain and other part of the body necessary rest.
Going to bed immediately after eating could lead to bloating, discomfort and abnormal sleeping patterns. Try to engage with others or in other activities instead of sleeping right after bed. Normally, it is recommended that that there should be at least 2 hours interval between eating and sleeping in the night. This applies to meal but not only in the night.
Drinking of tea and coffee
Tea and coffee are enjoyed when taken, and they have benefits when consumed in a limited quantity. However, excess of any of them is harmful also when taken after meal.
Taking bath after meal increases blood flow to every parts of the body except to the stomach. This can lead to indigestion and digestive problems. Waiting at least 30 minutes after meal before shower is the best suggestion.
Fruit is known to be the best food to be taken, in fact, due to its nutritional value, it is suggested that one must eat fruit at least once in a day. But because fruit needs special enzymes and time to get digested, it has be rumoured to cause indigestion, flatulence and heartburn if taken after meal.
Although, more research would be needed to confirm the authenticity of this claim, this is because many researches had shown fruit are good after meal. This after meal effect can be seen as a hypothesis for now.
Cold water
Many people are aware of the harmful effects of cold water,but many may not know how inimical cold water could be when taken after meal
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