Possible cancer symptoms you ignore.



Possible cancer symptoms you ignore.

 Cancer is one of the deadliest and scariest diseases one could ever have. Its diagnosis comes with huge shock.

Although it is life threatening,it is curable when detected and treated early. That's why is important to always lookouts for it symptoms for early detection and treatment.
The following symptoms are likely sign that you are a cancer patient.
  • Persistent fatigue
A constant fatigue can also be a sign of leukaemia but mainly colon or stomach cancer. It manifests itself differently from daily fatigue. Cancer related fatigue often doesn't go away after a good sleep and lasts longer . Sometimes it is caused by blood loss that that's not noticed.
  • Strange thickening or lump
 Examine your body regularly.A lump,or thickening may be a sign of cancer and should immediately prompt a doctor consultation for check for further treatment. Alway pay serious attention to a strange lump in the body, especially lump that's growing gradually.
  • Unexpected weight loss
 Most people with cancer are likely to lose weight some point. If you can't really recall any specific reason, like exercise, dieting and any other weight losing activity, unexplained weight loss can be a dangerous sign. An sudden weight loss of 10 pounds or more may be one of the first signs of cancer and can be used to catch it early.   No need to have sleepless night over it as  many changes in your body can be completely benign.
  • Constant pain
Although pain can be a symptom of many different diseases, it can also indicate cancer. If the pain is unexplained and doesn't go away or get better with treatment, it's a warning sign. Depending on where the pain is located,it can be a symptom of a brain tumour;colon, rectum ovary cancer .
  • Frequent feverAlmost all people with cancer are likely to have fever at some stage, especially if cancer affects the immune system. Although fever can be cause by other disease,it is highly frequent at a late stage of any cancee.It can be a sign of blood cancers,such as leukaemia or lymphoma. In any case,if you often have fever, especially when you cannot understand the reason,it better to seek medical attention immediately.
  • Change in bowel or bladder
 If you experience long term constipation, diarrhoea or a change in the size of the stool, it may be advisable to visit a doctor. These are signs of colon cancer. Symptoms of bladder or prostate cancer include pain when passing urine, blood in the urine or a change in bladder function. Report these types of unusual signs to a doctor, however,alway note that these could also be a sign of a urinary tract infection.
  • Skin changes
Skin cancer is considered to be the most common type of cancer and sometimes it can be difficult to recognise in the early stages. Anytime you have a freckle,wart,or mole that changes colour, size, or shape,or if it loses it sharp border, them you should have it checked for melanoma or some of the other types of skin cancers. However , besides skin cancers,other cancers can also cause skin changes. Pay attention to signs and symptoms which include: darker, yellowish or reddened skin, itching, bleeding and so on.

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