Obesity can increase infection and deaths from COVID-19



Obesity can increase infection and deaths from COVID-19

A new study has shown how being obesed can increase your chance of having the deadly Coronavirus disease and higher chance of death by the virus.

According to the analysis, obesity can lead to issues with immune system, inflammation and circulation of oxygen level in the body.

Sky News claims Public Health England (PHE) analysed existing studies published across the world during the pandemic to assess the relationship between the Coronavirus and obesity

Obesity is caused by consuming excess calories than the body requires creating excess weight in form of fat.

In the analysis, excess unused fats are seen to be susceptible to infections as it contains too much level of an enzyme to which Coronavirus attach itself. Having excess of it help the virus to attack body cells.

Previous studies have suggested that the excess tissue form by  overweight has direct impact with respiratory functions, inflammation, blood and immunity which are necessary to fight diseases like COVID-19.

Excess fat around the chest is believed to affect how well the lungs work, reducing their function and the circulating level of oxygen in the body

Obese patients with the Coronavirus would suffer from increased inflammation, and there would also be the impact on proteins produced in their body which would normally help to regulate the body immune system.

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