China discovers new flu-like virus of "deadly potential' in pigs .



China discovers new flu-like virus of "deadly potential' in pigs .

  A new flu-like virus has been discovered in pigs in China.

 In this trying time when the world is battling the deadly COVID-19 that has prompted a lockdown worldwide,another flu similar to that of N1N1 "swine flu," which caused pandemonium in 2009 has been discovered in China. Chinese scientists are now warning that they have identified a new flu virus in pigs that found possibly rock the world.
The virus,called G4 EA H1N1,is a genetic mix of the H1N1 "swine flu","which caused a flu pandemic in 2009, and other flu viruses.

The study, published on Monday (June 29) in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science  found evidence that G4 EA H1N1 has infected workers on pig farms in China. But importantly,there is no indication that the virus spread from person to person,according to CNN

The authors caution that the virus is not an immediate health threat, according to BBC. But they say that controlling this virus in pig populations and monitoring for signs of it in human"should be urgently implemented."

The 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic is estimated to have caused between 151,700 and 575,400 deaths worldwide,and to have infected more than 1billion people, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. After it ended,the virus became one of the seasons flu viruses that circulates in people every year. Eventually, virus must have spread from humans back to pigs,where it mixed with other flu viruses to create G4 EA H1N1, according to CNN.

In the new study,the researchers analysed nearly 30,000 nasal swabs from pigs in slaughterhouses in 10 provinces in China collected between 2011 and 2018. From these samples, they found nearly 180 different strains of flu virus infecting pigs.

However,many of these viruses didn't circulates for long. They showed up one year and disappeared in the succeeding year. But G4 EA H1N1 kept showing up.and has been the predominant flu strain in pigs since 2016,the author said.

Tests in lab dishes showed the virus can bind to receptors on human cell and replicate efficiently in human cells.

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  1. This China needs to be checked. China these, China that


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