Covid-19 to last longer than expected.



Covid-19 to last longer than expected.

 The World Health Organisation (WHO) the current deadliest corona pandemic may stay longer than than expected.

It claims that the novel covid-19 which has claimed over 45000 lives may terrorise the world for long before it can be eradicated completely.
The disease which was first recorded in Wuhan city of China and now in over 45 countries has infected over 2 millions people worldwide.
 The cure and vaccine for the disease is still on look out for,and no particular treatment had been discovered.
 The disease which was initially taught to be minor and expected not to stay longer that 4 weeks has however be rampaging the world for more than 5 months and it's not expected to stop anytime soon.
The new coronavirus,officiall known as COVID-19,is thought to have jumped to human from a yet-to-be-identified animal host.Similar to other coronavirus-such as those that cause the common cold and the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-the new virus cause respiratory disease.
It can be transmitted from person to person and is spread primarily through contact with an infected person via respiratory droplets generated when a person coughs or sneezes.
People can also become infected via contaminated surfaces.But the virus weakens significantly when exposed to aie,with preliminary information suggesting it may survive a few hours or more on surfaces.
Many researches are still on going to get  the cure for the virus,but when it will be available and how fast it may work it not known yet.

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