What men should do after sex



What men should do after sex

Sex is one of the sweetest things in a relationship,and it's inevitable in the life of a man.

However, there are some things you should  do as  a man if you don't want to experience the adverse aftermaths effect of having sex.
  • Wash your penis:Most men are not cautious as regards penis hygiene, especially after sex.Sex experts  counsel men to always wash the penis with soap and water after sex, and especially for the uncircumcised male . Failure to do so can lead to infections and other diseases , physicians say . Poor penis hygiene can cause infections , inflammations, phimosis (congenital narrowing of the opening of the foreskin so that it cannot be retracted ) and even tumours , they warn .
  • Eat banana:Due to the energy used during sex, eat a banana and drink water to prevent muscle spasms or cramps during and after sex. Again , nutritionists say bananas contain the enzyme bromelain, which some studies have found boosts a man ’ s libido . They are also rich in B vitamins, such as riboflavin, which are essential for the manufacturing of sex hormone , testosterone .
  • Drink water:Water as known to regulate the body it's also helpful after having sex.Bath with and Drink sufficient amounts water to maintain a good amount of blood and oxygen supply to the penis.
  • Take a nap: This seems to be common after sex as most lovers will want some rest which subsequently leads to sleep.However ,some might want make it a rush thereby avoiding nap.Taking a nap is necessary because vasopressin , a hormone , tightens the blood vessels and plays an important role in homeostasis of the body . This hormone is directly released in the brain and tends to relax the body.

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