Dangers in soft drinks.



Dangers in soft drinks.

Soft drinks or beverage  as most Nigerians will call it,is one of the system most damaging intake most people prefer as refreshments on daily bases.

It is known that not less eighty five percent of soft drinks which are made with Cola,Orange,lemon or other natural fruit blend contain some certain ingredients which could be dangerous to the body but added to give it taste,flavour or pleasure.

Most Cola and sweetened bitter drinks like those with lemon contain sugar whose quantity can makes you vomit,but to avoid this,a chemical known as hydrochloric and phosporic acid is added which in turn could really affect the body.

Some beverages manufacturers however do not use sugar but for excess profit and less cost of sugar use a sweetener substance,'Saccharine'.

Saccharine is a small shining substance use as sweetener but could be disastrous to the body even the slightest intake.

The substance which has been banned in most American and some European countries as result of its adverse effect in the body still thrives in most africa countries because of lack of good law implementation.

These drinks cause different body malformation such as diabetes,cavity, obesity,rheumatism and other deadly diseases to say the least.

Therefore watch and be conscious of what you drink because excess of soft drinks especially of not trusted and  some trusted brand can be fatal.

Only intake of pure and clean water can be reliable.

Remember health is wealth

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